
Development log of a life-long coder

WebAssembly and the C standard library

In the last post, I compiled a trivial C function to WebAssembly. This was a good learning exercise, but I didn't use the C standard library, so compiling the code was trivial. Let's look into how to use the C standard library when compiling C to WebAssembly with Clang/LLVM. All the code is in this repository: webassembly-libc-example.

Is this even a good idea?

WebAssembly is simple, which is nice for getting started. It's also extremely limited (at least, in the browser). In order to compile typical C code to WebAssembly, you need a C standard library.

Obviously, the browser doesn't supply a C run time to WebAssembly modules (any language could be compiled to WebAssembly), so that means that the module itself has to include all the functionality it uses from the C library within itself (or get it from another module). In other words, it's statically linked.

How much overhead is including the C library in every module going to add? That's a good question, that I'm hoping to answer eventually.

Which C library to use?

Here are a few promising leads on a WebAssembly-friendly C library (either already compiled to WebAssembly or simple enough that there's hope I could compile to WebAssembly myself):

I'm going to continue avoiding Emscripten because a) it wants me to install Python first and b) I'd like to keep things as simple as possible. I didn't think WASI's C library would work for me in the browser, but I'm going to try it anyway.

Setup for WASI libc

In order to compile against a C library, you need header files and compiled objects (in an archive) or a shared library (a concept that I don't think exists for WebAssembly since they use modules for that purpose). Note that we're basically cross-compiling for a different architecture.

Fortunately, WASI provides an SDK for exactly this purpose. I downloaded the latest release (~140 MB) and took a peek at the contents:

Note that the version of LLVM that I installed in my last post didn't come from the WASI SDK and it didn't contain the "builtins" archive noted above. In order to use that installation of Clang/LLVM, I needed to copy libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32.a into my installation (fortunately the eventual error message you see provides the exact destination path).

A slightly less trivial example

Source code

Here's the C source for my test module that uses the WASI C library (sine.c):

#include <math.h>

#define WASM_EXPORT_AS(name) __attribute__((export_name(name)))
#define WASM_EXPORT(symbol) WASM_EXPORT_AS(#symbol) symbol

double WASM_EXPORT(sine)(double theta) {
    return sin(theta);

All I'm doing is exposing sin from math.h as an export named sine.


The build command is a bit more complicated than last time:

Note that in this example, I extracted the WASI SDK into a subfolder of my project (the SDK's README has an example as well).

Here's the build command (note: I omitted the -target option because I'm using the WASI SDK's Clang, which defaults to targeting wasm32-wasi):

wasi-sdk-12.0\bin\clang.exe -Os --sysroot wasi-sdk-12.0/share/wasi-sysroot -nostartfiles -Wl,--no-entry sine.c -o sine.wasm

Calling from Node

Almost identical to last time:

const fs = require('fs');
(async () => {
    const module = await WebAssembly.instantiate(await fs.promises.readFile("./sine.wasm"));
    const sine = module.instance.exports.sine;

Output: 0.9999996829318346 (looks reasonable, since 1.57 is approximately pi/2 and so sine of that angle should be roughly 1).

Calling from a browser

Again, almost identical:

        <p>The value of sin(1.57) is <span id="result">?</span></p>

            (async () => {
                const module = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("./sine.wasm"));
                const sine = module.instance.exports.sine;
                document.getElementById("result").innerText = sine(1.57);


The value of sin(1.57) is 0.9999996829318346

Looks like the WASI libc works in the browser, at least in a case like this where no system calls are needed.


Earlier, I was wondering how much overhead there is in linking against a C standard library for WebAssembly. My understanding is that linking for C is done per-function, so you're only pulling in what you need. Here are some measurements I took (and yes, I linked in malloc but not free):

Dependencies Module size (in bytes)
(none) 207
sin 7851
sin, cos 8116
malloc 7350
sin, malloc 14995

Not great, but also not terrible. My hope is that WebAssembly written in C and using the C standard library is uncommon, and generally only used for hosting programs with large C code bases that would be prohibitively time-consuming to rewrite.


Overall, that could have gone a lot worse.

I'm still not thrilled with the overhead of statically linking everything, and the thought of each module essentially having its own allocator is a bit alarming, but I need to remind myself that the alternatives are often worse. For example, if rewriting a C program in JavaScript isn't in the cards, the previous best options were either transpiling the C code to something like asm.js or, even worse, emulating an x86 CPU in the browser (using JavaScript) and running existing binaries.

I will state, however, that I'm not quite as thrilled with the idea of compiling C programs to WebAssembly to support "run anywhere" scenarios as I was before I started this exercise.
