
Development log of a life-long coder

WebAssembly overview



I first heard of Emscripten in the mid-2010s. At the time, you could compile C code to an optimizability-focused subset of JavaScript known as asm.js. This meant that, given the source code to a native app and appropriate implementations of system APIs, you could run formerly native-only programs in the browser--convenient, if you don't want to install anything.

Enter WebAssembly

In the intervening years, WebAssembly appeared. WebAssembly is a binary format for programs that run on a portable virtual machine. This VM can be hosted in your browser, but non-browser runtimes have also sprung up (e.g. wasmtime).

WebAssembly, to me, seems like the Holy Grail of compilation targets. I wouldn't be surprised if, thanks to browser support, WebAssembly is the most broadly supported binary program format. What other binary format works on my desktop, phone, Raspberry Pi?

Note that WebAssembly runtimes seem to be standardizing on an in-development system interface named WASI. You probably can't write a GUI app solely with WebAssembly and WASI today, but I'm sure that day is coming (in the distant future).

One note on Emscripten

If you just want to port native programs to the browser, Emscripten is an environment for doing that. It even converts OpenGL to WebGL and handles the SDL API. Unfortunately, just installing Emscripten requires Python. For now, I refuse to setup bloated software just to install the software I actually want, so I'm skipping Emscripten.

WebAssembly concepts

Mozilla's documentation has a great overview of WebAssembly concepts. There's also an approachable series of WebAssembly articles on Mozilla Hacks. I'll try to summarize:

WebAssembly formats

WebAssembly defines two formats:

The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit contains tools for converting between these formats. Specifically, wat2wasm is analogous to a very simple assembler, and wasm2wat to a disassembler.

WebAssembly browser interface

Within the browser, WebAssembly currently needs to be loaded using JavaScript (it sounds like there are plans to support loading using script tags and import statements in the future). Sadly, as of today, the recommended way to load WebAssembly (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming()) is only supported by 75% of browsers. The more broadly supported WebAssembly.instantiate() seems cumbersome. I'm hopeful that WebAssembly's ergonomics will improve, but I suppose this is just the price you pay when using new technology.

Next steps

Armed with the above information, I think I'm ready to dive in and test out WebAssembly with a trivial example. I'll report my findings in a subsequent update.